Declaración del Foro de Organizaciones Feministas a la plenaria de la XII Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer en América Latina y El Caribe de la CEPAL

Publicado: October-20-2013 | Categoria: FOF Santo Domingo 2013
Etiquetas: FOF2013

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Thursday, 22 August 2013 23:45

Feminist Organizations Forum (FOF Santo Domingo)

The XII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held in Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic on October 15-18 of this year, and on this occasion will focus on gender equality, empowerment of women, the digital economy and information technologies and communications.

The Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean is a privileged space to identify women’s need, make recommendations, undertake periodic assessments of compliance with the agreements and regional and international plans on women. In each conference a consensus document it’s approved that lays down guidelines in the fight of women’s rights, such as the cases of the Quito Consensus (2007) and the Brasilia Consensus (2010).

As is tradition in the Regional Conferences on Women of ECLAC, the civil society organizations will meet, previously, in the Feminist OrganizationsForum(FOF Santo Domingo) to discuss among ourselves, to develop and extend our voices to the plenary session of the Regional Conference. The FOFSanto Domingowill be heldon SundayOctober 13 at the Hilton Santo Domingo, the same hotel of the XII Conference, where we have a meeting room for 150 people.

This forum is open to feminist and women's organizations in the region and over it, besides panels and exchanges; we will discuss and approve the document to be presented in the XII Regional Conference.

Given the time of challenges we live in our region and the novelty of the topic to discuss, we consider of great importance that the regional networks and articulations take an active role in the organizational tasks of the Feminist Organizations Forum Santo Domingo 2013, that they are incorporated into the organizational tasks through the Work Committees and promote wider participation of feminist and women's organizations while involving ICT-related women and young women who develop activism through social networks in each one of the countries.

Currently we do not have the resources to finance flight tickets or lodging and therefore any interested organizations shall manage the financial resources necessary to ensure their involvement, nevertheless we have locally formed a team consisting of Dominican feminist and women's organizations that will be at your disposal for support with information and procedures that will facilitate the widest participation in the FOF Santo Domingo 2013.

Registration for the Feminist Organizations Forum Santo Domingo 2013 will be open from September 09 on the website:


For information and contacts This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further information on how to participate in the XII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, please visit:

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